A private wellness spa with a specialized weight loss service focusing on unexplained weight gain or weight loss resistance. Belle Santé Wellness offers a range of non-invasive therapeutic treatments including lymphatic drainage massage and VelaShape with RF (radio frequency) to reduce the appearance of cellulite while boosting the immune system.
Used in conjunction with oxygen ozone sauna therapy, we can can guarantee a metabolic boost and weight loss detox as the sweat detoxification pathway is opened for more rapid fat loss.
Colon hydrotherapy is an excellent adjunct therapy for chronic conditions such as inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBS/spastic colon) and chronic constipation. A course of colonics (5 treatments is ideal) is known to reset the motility of the colon, ridding the body of years of accumulated toxic matter and resetting normal function of the colon. It is not uncommon for other symptoms such as bloating, weight gain, unbalanced hormones, allergies, insomnia, auto-immune conditions and gut related issues to improve after a colon cleanse detox.
Belle Sante Wellness offers a treatment protocol to suit all aspects of longevity: Anti-aging and aesthetic beauty treatments, cost effective massage treatments as well as a private ladies fitness studio (DynamX Ladies Fitness) all within a relaxing private facility in Salt Rock/ Sheffield Beach, Ballito.
All independent consultants have years of experience and offer professional services in the wellness sphere.

"True health is simple.
Eat a moderate amount of quality, nutritious food.
Move your body in a way that feels good and rest well.
Surround yourself with like-minded people you can share both the joys and challenges of life."
Rae Dengler,
Owner, Belle Santé Wellness