Rewired Wellness

Sometimes we find ourselves in distress, whether it be mentally, physically or emotionally. This is our body’s way of indicating that we are “off track”, not living to our full potential, or not coping in one or more areas of our life. Kinesiology offers a very powerful means to re-balance ourselves – physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically – by allowing us to go all the way back and start by correcting the underlying cause or issues that have resulted in dis-ease, rather than simply treating or suppressing the symptoms.
Kinesiology as we know it today was originally developed by the American chiropractor Dr George Goodheart in the 1960’s to enhance and improve the quality of his treatments. Since then it has evolved into many different branches, all based on the scientific, neurological workings of the body.
What to Expect from your Kinesiology Session
Kinesiology treats the whole person, to find out what is behind the symptoms! Kinesiology is a participatory process so the client is actively involved in the session in order to notice old patterns that have kept them stuck and to actively change and assess their willingness to create change and positive outcomes.
During a session there are energy shifts that occur as well as new insights and clearer understanding. Sometimes these changes are felt immediately – less pain, feeling relaxed, feeling happier – sometimes it may take a day or two for the changes to become noticeable.
Kinesiologists are not doctors and as such they do not diagnose or treat diseases unless they are licensed to do so. They work with what the client wants to achieve or change. During a Kinesiology session you will be fully clothed and may be asked to lie down. A session may last between 1- 2 hours. All consultations must be booked in advance and any consultations not cancelled timeously will be charged for.
People who experience the following may find Kinesiology of benefit:
Emotional problems
Learning difficulties, ADD, ADHD
Pain – Neck pain, back pain, muscle pain, joint pain
Insomnia Low blood sugar
Food sensitivities
Recurrent infections
Fatigue – chronic tiredness, lacking energy
Relationship difficulties
Low self-esteem
Skin problems
Digestive disorders, chronic constipation, stomach pain
Menstrual problems
…and a whole lot more!
After a Kinesiology session you may experience:
Better learning, and clearer thinking
Improved communication in relationships,
Enhanced sport performance,
Better health and immunity
Reduced or no pain
Feeling motivated and a renewed ability to move forward or move on
Better sleep
More energy
Improved digestion
Lessening of skin conditions
Relief of depression
More and better life choices
Understanding and acceptance of others
Improved quality of life
Better coping strategies
Self empowerment
Weight loss by clearing emotional blocks
Understanding and acceptance of yourself

About me
After nearly 10 years working in the corporate world, I can well understand the stresses and pressures of fast turnaround and accountability in a world that never stops.
The requirement to manage time, projects and professional development, as well as juggle personal endeavors can be a daunting prospect and mastering the time, passion, energy, and balance remains the holy grail of so many in the world today.
A degree in psychology, coupled with self-awareness, some bumpy lessons along the way and a jolly good sense of humour, enable me to provide a space, safe for self-discovery and recuperation. Clients are delighted that physical symptoms are eradicated and find themselves learning enormous amounts about themselves and how they ended up in my office!
A favourite quote of mine is, “build a life you don’t need a holiday from” and it is this that I strive to help my clients achieve in their sessions.

I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.
071 862 9887